Choosing The Best Stain For Cherry Wood

Cherry is a wood that is favored in furniture making. It's mainly characterized by a color which improves and darkens over time.

Best Stain For Cherry Wood
Cherry wood

Many don’t realize that original, unstained cherry wood is very pale in color. The heartwood portion of the wood is darker, and exposure to the sun will darken the wood, but because of the natural unevenness of the color, this leads to inconsistency overall.

For this reason, staining cherry wood is important. If and however the wood was cut (such as with bandsaws, which are discussed on Carve Your Creation), the best stain for cherry wood will darken the wood, show of the natural character of the wood, and protect it.


Consider the below when you approach using the best stain for cherry wood:

  • If it’s a DIY building project, pick the boards yourself to color match.
  • Staining cherry will take time and several layers before you obtain the color you are looking for.
  • The paler the initial hue of wood, the more coats will be needed.
  • Keep your boards or furniture project covered until you are ready to work with them.
  • Exposure to light can severely change the color of cherry in as little as 24 hours.

Best Stain for Cherry Wood

1. Natural Oil Finish

Tung and linseed oils are top picks for natural oil finishes.

Do keep in mind that they take long to dry in between coats. However, as the cherry naturally ages, the beauty of the color will improve with time.

Natural oils will highlight mottling of the wood (the variation of the color in the heartwood and sapwood) and will not leave a film on the wood’s surface. Oil rags will require safe disposal.

2. Colored Glaze

If you’re looking to achieve a rich hue, opt for several coats of a colored glaze, which will give you a deep finish with a protective glaze.

3. Shellac or Lacquer

Shellacs and lacquers highlight the characteristics of cherry wood. Note that they are not as protective as some other finishes.

4. Polyurethane

Polyurethane finishes disguise mottling of the cherry and any curly figure present in the wood.

Think about the color that you’d like to achieve and decide the best stain for cherry wood that works for your project. Good luck.


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