Comparing Single And Double Demountable Hinges

Hinges allow a user to pivot a door or window over a range so that it can be easily opened or closed whenever required. The hinges will connect the door or window to the frame of the structure or body of the furniture.

There are a number of different types of hinges available for sale at hardware stores and other locations like piano, continuous, ball bearing and cup hinges.

Many people would like to get information about the difference between single and double demountable hinges; below, we compare the design and installation of these hinges.

Single Vs Double Demountable Hinges

Single Demountable Hinges

Demountable hinges are hinges which allow the door or window to be easily demounted and removed from their position whenever required. Unlike most other hinges, these hinges have an insert which has to be put into a slot which is drilled in the door.

Single demountable hinges can be inserted into a single slot, either in the door or frame. The other side of the hinge has to be screwed to the surface like other conventional hinges.

So, these hinges are typically used when the consumer does not want the screws for fixing to be externally visible, as a slot is used for fixing the hinges. These hinges were popular a few decades ago.

Here's a video of the replacement of some obsolete single demountable hinges:

Double Demountable Hinges

Double demountable hinges use two slots in the door and the frame or cabinet where they are being installed.

The hinges are first installed in the slot which has been made in the door or cabinet, and then they can be tightened using screws. There are no external screws visible for these hinges, making it more safe.

While for single hinges, a slot only has to be made in the frame or door, for double hinges, slots have to be made in both the door and frame. As a result, if the door is removed and used elsewhere, a similar mounting arrangement will have to be used, as slots have been drilled.

In case of single hinges, slots have to be made on one side only; the other side is not drilled.

Hopefully this clears up the difference between single and double demountable hinges. It's up to you which one you want to go with, although I would probably recommend double.

If you'd like to get some quality power tools for your building projects, you should check out some framing nailer models.

Thanks for reading!


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