How To Remove Gel Stain From Wood

Hate the colour of your wood furniture? Want to restain it but don't know how to get rid of the existing gel stain? It may not be as difficult as you thought! All you need is the right product to do the job. Here's a guide on how to remove gel stain from wood : The example of this article is removing a gel stain from a dining room table top. Materials Needed You don't have to sand it, but you need a furniture refinisher, wood stripper, or similar removal product. Take the refinisher produced by Minwax. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions. By not sanding the wood, the original wood surface will remain intact. However, you still need a very fine steel wool to do the scraping. Alternatively, instead of using fine steel wool, you can also use a soft cloth to obtain a smoother finish. Stain vs. Finish Note that many people confuse stain and finish - these are two different things. First try products that can remove stain, but if they don...